Used medium and heavy duty trucks and trailers for sale in the Thursday, March 23, 2023 Truck and Trailer Auction. Phone: (334) 240-7133 Fax: (334) 240-7175 Concord, NH 03301, cheryl.e.ayer [at] (Cheryl Ayer), DirectorEmail: cheryl.e.ayer [at] agr.nh.govPhone: (603) 271-3700Fax: (603) 271-1109, FreedD [at] (David Freed), Acting SuperintendentEmail: freedd [at] dca.lps.state.nj.usPhone: (732) 815-7805Fax: (732) 382-5298, New Mexico Department of Agriculture Las Cruces, NM 88003, rchepsongol [at] (Roxanne Chepsongol), Division DirectorEmail: rchepsongol [at] nmda.nmsu.eduPhone: (575) 646-1616Fax: (575) 646-2361, james.willis [at] (James Willis), DirectorEmail: james.willis [at] agriculture.ny.govPhone: (518) 457-3146Fax: (518) 457-2552, steve.benjamin [at] (Stephen Benjamin), DirectorEmail: steve.benjamin [at] ncagr.govPhone: (919) 707-3226Fax: (919) 715-0524, kcrockford [at] (Konrad Crockford), DirectorEmail: kcrockford [at] nd.govPhone: (701) 328-4097Fax: (701) 328-2410, daniel.walker [at] (Daniel Walker), ChiefEmail: daniel.walker [at] agri.ohio.govPhone: (614) 728-6290Fax: (614) 728-6424, gary.smith [at] (Gary Smith), Weights and Measures Program AdministratorEmail: gary.smith [at] ag.ok.govPhone: (405) 522-5968Fax: (405) 522-4584, steven.harrington [at] (Steven Harrington), Program ManagerEmail: steven.harrington [at] oda.oregon.govPhone: (503) 931-3156Fax: (503) 986-4784, wremmert [at] (Walter Remmert), DirectorEmail: wremmert [at] pa.govPhone: (717) 787-9089Fax: (717) 783-4158, abrodriguez [at] (Abner Rodriguez), DirectorEmail: abrodriguez [at] (787) 724-5153Fax: (787) 723-3491, Vacant,DirectorEmail: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Lock *NOTE: You may only renew measuring devices starting 60 days prior to the expiration date. tel. Weights & Measures Division Find Trucks, Trailers, Parts, and Accessories from Ford, International, Freightliner, GMC and more. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Forklifts and Material Handling. Tifton, GA 31794-8877, stan.diffie [at] (Stan Diffie)Wesley ThompsonPhone: (229) 386-3601Fax: (229) 386-3365, Michael.Tang [at] (Michael Tang), Shipping Address Awards. Available Forms. state regulations ; compare chapter 80-13-1 - rules governing weights, measures, labeling and packaging ( 80-13-1-.01 to 80-13-1-.13) chapter 80-13-2 - rules for selling and pricing of gasoline ( 80-13-2-.01 to 80-13-2-.05) . To ensure the most secure and best overall experience on our website we recommend the latest versions of, Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Box 146500 Our solution is complete and comprehensive we maintain not only instrumentation calibration by ACS Calibration, but we also maintain the data for third party and internally calibrated instruments. * Attention, these fillable form files are best when downloaded and completed before submitting. Watch our Weights & Measures Video. Date: 01/12/2022 . VeriForm is the reporting software for Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries Weights and Measures Division. The festival is scheduled for April 22, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, featuring a performance by Jeff and Sheri Easter. 333 Cony Road, Agriculture & Industries Website 236 views, 4 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries: Dal Banwait brings nearly 10 years of applied experience in the hydroponics, aeroponics and technology based agriculture and over 15 years of experience in traditional agriculture including the cultivation of crops such as raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Bureau of standards. Box 2042 The Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures office is open to the public beginning. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY (Chapter 80-1-1 to 80-4-1), COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE (Chapter 80-5-1 to 80-7-1), SHIPPING POINT INSPECTION (Chapter 80-12-1), WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (Chapter 80-13-1 to 80-13-9), Chapter 80-14-1 - Medical Cannabis Cultivation ( 80-14-1-.01 to 80-14-1-.20), Chapter 80-14-1 - Medical Cannabis Cultivation, 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES. Links 2/28/2023 - 02/28/2023 - Yves Smith. 4260Fax: (340) 776-8303, tmcqueen [at] (Tahis McQueen), Program ManagerEmail: tmcqueen [at] agr.wa.govPhone: (360) 481-7452Fax: (360) 902-2086, tory.d.brewer [at] (Tory Brewer), DirectorEmail: tory.d.brewer [at] wv.govPhone: (304) 722-0602Fax: (304) 722-0605, Stephen.Peter [at] (Stephen Peter), DirectorEmail: stephen.peter [at] wisconsin.govPhone: (608) 224-4954Fax: (608) 327-0228, robert.weidler [at] (Robert Weidler), DirectorEmail: robert.weidler [at] wyo.govPhone: (307) 777-7556Fax: (307) 777-6593, Webmaster | Contact Us | Our Other Offices, Created April 19, 2022, Updated February 24, 2023, Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), Resources for Continuing Education and Training, Quick Guide for OWM Contacts System (PDF), How to Request Publications using OWM Contacts System (PDF), How to Request Training & Transcript Using the Contacts System (PDF), How to Reset Password Using the Contacts System (PDF), The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, Alaska Division of Measurement Standards/CVE, CaliforniaDivision of Measurement Standards, State of Colorado, Div. Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, a byproduct of coal-fired electrical utility plants, has been shown to effectively reduce phosphorus (P) leaching in many agricultural systems. 5825 Florida Blvd All Presidents Avoid Reporters, but Biden May Achieve a Record in His Press Avoidance - 02/28/2023 - Yves Smith. 450 Columbus Boulevard, | Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Los Angeles County | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas |USDA, AMS, FGIS | Utah | Vermont | Virgin Islands | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |, 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, michael.bridges [at] (Michael Bridges) (334) 240-3729Anthony Gallagher(334) 240-7131wes.seals [at] (Wes Seals) (334) 240-7136, Phone: (334) 240-7133 (Office)Fax: (334) 240-7175. Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries Weights and Measures Laboratory 1445 Federal Drive Montgomery, AL 36107: Shipping Address Same as Mailing Address. Our calibration and asset management program has been developed to provide our customers with a comprehensive system that eases the burden on your employees. 22.0. Main: 334-240-7133. Phone: (401) 462-8570Fax: (401) 462-8576, jstokes [at] (John Stokes)Email: jstokes [at] (803) 737-9690Fax: (803) 737-9703, tyler.steen [at] (Tyler Steen), DirectorEmail: tyler.steen [at] (605) 773-3697Fax: (607) 773-6631, mark.hanes [at] (Mark Hanes), Weights and Measures AdministratorEmail: mark.hanes [at] tn.govPhone: (615) 837-5145Fax: (615) 837-5015, Christina.Osborn [at] (Christina Osborn) Alabama Certified Scale Calibration Services. $70.00 Research Fee. Montgomery, AL 36107 The software allows you to complete and submit inspection forms using an Android device on behalf of The State of Alabama Weights and Measures Division. Discover our many awards and recognitions. Department of Agriculture & Industries Montgomery, Alabama 36107-1123 John McMillan Commissioner NURSERY GROWER CERTIFICATE APPLICATION BUSINESS NAME ( ) NEW. The Department has about 300 full-time employees and 250 . Weights & Measures Service Agency & Person. Alabama Administrative Code, Title 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Chapter 80-13-4 - RULES FOR SELLING FOOD AND NON-FOOD PRODUCTS, Section 80-13-4-.04 - Allowable Methods Of Sale For Specific Non-Food Products Normal business hours are from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Monday through . 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES; 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES . Government employees should contact the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries to renew their Serviceman License. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. registrants and we strive to assist our licensees every way we can.. their weighmaster certificate yearly by utilizing the new, online Serviceman License Late Renewal. Alabama - Weights and Measures Office. ECA countries had different laws, policies and regulations governing the seed industry and seed trade, resulting in restricted movement of seed across borders . ACS Calibration ensures that your measurement instruments meet quality requirements through our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration laboratory services. These reports further the divisions mission of ensuring that equity prevails in the marketplace. Lab: 334-240-7131. - Mike Strain DVM. Shipping Address New online applications bring convenience and efficiencies to Alabama Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. More Information. The Food Safety Modernization Act - Produce Safety Rule sets new standards for food handling across the entire food chain with rules for businesses ranging from farms and food processors to food shippers, importers, retailers and others. To get the bottom of it, we reached out to the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. State House Annex/25 Capitol Street/P.O. serviceman applicants must be approved prior to servicing devices 2150 Frazer Avenue Currently, there are annual EU price supports of over $2 billion for tomato growers, $1.9 billion for apple growers, and $500 million for cucumber growers. Browse Alabama Administrative Code | Title 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES for free on . The Department of Agriculture and Industries is proud to announce the If the motor fuel they have bought is contaminated by water or particulate matter. 80-7-1-.09) MARKETING ( 80-8-1-.01 80-11-5-.13) SHIPPING POINT INSPECTION ( 80-12-1-.01 80-12-1-.06) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ( 80-13-1-.01 80-13-9 . 1258 CR 226 Secure .gov websites use HTTPS As natives of Alabama, we understand that obtaining calibration services can be difficult or expensive in some locations. The total transfer over the 10-year period was estimated at $1,170.34 million undiscounted, or $1,007.01 million and $837.71 million at discount rates of 3 and 7 percent, respectively. agencies, citizens, and businesses across the country. We will work with you to get you the most competitive price possible to ensure that your Alabama certified scales are always up to date and compliant with the governing regulations of your industry. Alabama Department of Agriculture. We are committed to providing quality service to our neighbors throughout the state of Alabama, including rural areas. Louisiana's agricultural industries and its forestry, soil and water resources are critical to the advancement of our state and play a central role in our diverse cultural heritage. of Oil and Public Safety, Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Kansas Department of Agriculture/Division of Weights & Measures, Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, Nebraska Department of Agriculture Food Safety & Consumer Protection, Nevada Department of Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standards, New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food Division of Weights & Measures, North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Ohio Department of Agriculture Weights & Measures, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry/CPS, Department of Consumer Affairs Weights & Measures, Vermont Agency of Agriculture/Food & Markets, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Office of Weights and Measures, U.S. Virgin Islands, Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer Protection, American Samoa Department of Legal Affairs, Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation Regulatory Division, Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training. Alabama Administrative Code, Title 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Chapter 80-13-7 - REGISTRATION OF SCALE MECHANICS (REPEALED) Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6500, 2020 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2021 to 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, brigby [at] (Bill Rigby) (801) 982-2267Miland Kofford (801) 982-2261, marc.paquette [at] (Marc Paquette)(802) 793-6744Scott Dolan (802) 522-5415, linda.jones [at] (Linda Jones)Armeta Robinsonwilliam.scott [at] (William Scott), Shipping Address We are dedicated to ensuring that consumers receive the full weight, volume, count, or other measurement of commodities for which they pay. Weights & Measure Division 1445 Federal Drive Montgomery, AL 36107 Phone: 334-240-7133 . Browse as List; Search Within; Chapter 80-13-1 - RULES GOVERNING WEIGHTS, MEASURES, LABELING AND PACKAGING ( 80-13-1-.01 80-13-1-.13) . Service Agency & Person Registration. Foreign support is staggering for specialty crop growers in nations of the European Union. Read more. Weighmaster License Late Renewal. government portals, online services, and secure payment processing 3.0. Enforcement of California weights and measures laws and regulations is the responsibility of the Division of Measurement Standards (DMS). The division ensures that equity prevails in the marketplace for both buyers and sellers by inspecting over 100,000 commercial weighing, measuring, metering and scanning devices. It is the first federal food safety law that includes specific rules for product farms. Help us improve our website by taking a short survey. See the latest list of recalls concerning foods, drugs and other items. PO Box 30005 Globalization has and will have strong centralizing effects, although localization might trigger emotional and nationalistic reactions within the different ethnic communities of Switzerland. Government branch: Executive Department Sub-Office/Agency/Bureau. Official websites use .gov political subdivisions, local government agencies and quasi-government Is your scale or weighing device Legal for Trade in the state of Alabama? 1445 Federal Drive Montgomery, Alabama 36107 (334) 240-7100 (800) 642-7761 Raleigh, NC 27607, Sharon.Woodard [at] (Sharon Woodard) (984) 236-4802Robert Rogers (984) 236-4811Van.Hyder [at] (Van Hyder)(984) 236-4803Kevin Knox (984) 236-4806ed.stevens [at] (Ed Stevens) (984) 236-4804Sherry Teachey (984) 236-4805Phone: (984) 236-4800Fax: (919) 831-1325, Tom.Buck [at] (Tom Buck)Ken JohnsonDaniel.Walker [at] (Daniel Walker)Keith Crider, General:metrology [at] agri.ohio.govPhone: (614) 728-6290Fax: (614) 728-6424, amanda.kramer [at] (Amanda Kramer)Wade KrivanekJacob.Whitten [at] (Jacob Whitten)Phone: (405) 522-5459Fax: (405) 522-5457, jgownley [at] (James Gownley) (717) 787-4707Dustin Claycomb (717) 525-5829cdrupp [at] (Chris Drupp) (717) 525-5826Richard Radel, Jr (717) 525-5830kensingh [at] (Kenrick Singh) (717) 525-5828Linc Williams (717) 525-7109/(717) 787-0937, tjones [at] (Timothy Jones ()803) 734-3266Eric Eliassen (803) 734-3355triser [at] (Tracy Riser) (803) 734-2375Kristin Sherrick (803) 734-7908, Shipping Address Sparks, NV 89431, 2021 to 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2023 to 2024 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, 2014 to 2015 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF Some city and county offices have weights and measures functions in addition to the state offices listed below that might be listed under either the city or county bureau of standards, agriculture or consumer protection. The Division's activities are designed to: Ensure the accuracy of . Licensing. Food Safety conducts food retail establishment inspections, drug store and variety store inspections. for the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries through its Statutory Fee. The Weights and Measures Division inspects and tests scales and measurement equipment used in commerce to ensure compliance with state laws and equity in the marketplace., Agriculture & Industries Website Find the Food Safety Inspector for your county or region by using our interactive map. Title 80 - ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES. However, its applications in horticultural production systems have been insufficiently researched resulting in limited industry adoption. Click Hereto check! STATE OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES 1445 Federal Drive ? 2747 29th Avenue SW 4400 Reedy Creek Road Fv 27, 2023 . WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. State DirectorEmail: mahesh.albuquerque [at] (303) 318-8502Fax: (303) 318-8488, frank.greene [at] (Frank Greene), DirectorEmail: frank.greene [at] ct.govPhone: (860) 713-6160Fax: (860) 713-7237, steven.Connors [at] (Steve W. Connors), AdministratorEmail: steven.connors [at] delaware.govPhone: (302) 698-4601Fax: (302) 697-6287, Ronald.johnson [at] (Ronald Johnson), ChiefEmail: ronald.johnson [at] dc.govPhone: (202) 698-2136Fax: (202) 698-2148, Harold.prince [at] (Hal Prince), Bureau ChiefEmail: harold.prince [at] FDACS.govPhone: (850) 921-1545Fax: (850) 921-1593, william.killingsworth [at] (Doug Killingsworth), DirectorEmail: william.killingsworth [at] agr.georgia.govPhone: (404) 656-3605Fax: (404) 656-9648, Michele.santos [at] (Michele Santos), AdministratorEmail: michele.santos [at] revtax.guam.govPhone: (671) 635-1816, leonard.g.obaldo [at] (Leo Obaldo), Acting Administrator, Dept. Application. The time between inspections shall not exceed six months. Why News of Population Decline and Economic Slowdown Isn't Necessarily a Bad Thing - 03/01/2023 - Yves Smith. Since the year 2000, Switzerland has had a totally revised constitution. For more information regarding Weights & Measures, call us at 517-655-8202. For all commercial weighing or measuring device inquiries or questions, please contact, 615-837-5109. Weights and Measures Director Stacy Boshell. Weights and Measures. Alabama InteractiveBarrett Gilbreath, Weights and Measures Division. Government employees should contact the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries to renew their Serviceman License. Director for Consumer Product ProtectionEmail: christina.osborn [at] texasagriculture.govPhone: (512) 463-5706Fax: (888) 215-5386, mkofford [at] (Miland Kofford), Program ManagerEmail: mkofford [at] utah.govPhone: (801) 982-2261Fax: (385) 465-6023, marc.paquette [at] (Marc Paquette), ChiefEmail: marc.paquette [at] vermont.govPhone: (802) 828-2426Fax: (802) 828-5983, gary.milton [at] (Gary Milton), Program Manager, Email: gary.milton [at] vdacs.virginia.govPhone: (804) 786-1274Fax: (804) 786-1571, devin.carrington [at] (Devin Carrington), CommissionerEmail: devin.carrington [at] (340) 774-3130 Ext. Our calibration processes ensure that yourinstrumentsmeets engineering, machining, parts design, quality control, and inspection requirements. Note: The term, Superintendent of Weights and Measures,used in the above rule is now Director, Weights and Measures/Gins and Warehouse Division of the Department of Agriculture and Industries. Credit Card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express), Weights & Measure Division 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF 2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF. 2021 to 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, Garret.Brown [at] (Garret Brown) (907) 365-1233Travis Garding (907) 365-1249, 2020 to 2021 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2022 to 2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, bsellers [at] (Brian Sellers) (602) 771-4938Mauro Nieves (602) 771-4928, jill.franke [at] (Jill Franke)Kayla Hankinsclaude.riche [at] (Claude Riche)Nikhil Soman, General: info [at], 2021 to 2022 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2022 to 2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, anthony.gruneisen [at] (Tony Gruneisen) (916) 229-4858Toni Bulai(916) 229-3022thomas.benin [at] (Thomas Benin) (916) 229-3009Demielle Noll-Tennin (916) 229-3036, kate.smetana [at] (Kate Smetana) (303) 869-9241Tiffany Brigner (303) 869-9231andrew.shopes [at] (Andrew Shopes) (303) 869-9270, Mailing Address Connecticut Food and Standards Division Feller Bunchers and Harvesters Forestry and Logging Attachments Grinding and Shredding Other Forestry and Logging Equipment Skidders, Yarders, and Loaders. Regardless of the size or type of your business, we can help you maintain a compliant calibration program. Share This Article. The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) is an independent agency of the government of Alabama first created by an Act of the State Legislature on February 23, 1883. Albany, NY 12206, Michael.Lejeune [at] (Michael LeJeune)Jonathan FoxEric.Morabito [at] (Eric Morabito)Jeremy Bestjames.willis [at] (James Willis), Shipping Address The Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule sets new standards for food handling across the entire food chain with rules for businesses ranging from farms and food processors to food shippers, importers, retailers and others. servicemen and weighmasters. Chapter 80-13-2 - RULES FOR SELLING AND PRICING OF GASOLINE. Welcome. PSD's mission in the area of accurate weights consists of two elements that affect the integrity of livestock and poultry transactions: (1) the accuracy of the scales used for weighing livestock, meat, and poultry, and (2) the proper and honest operation of scales to ensure that the weight on which a transaction is based is . is the nation's leading provider ofofficial Windsor, CT 06095-4312, 2019 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2020 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, frank.greene [at] (Frank Greene)(860) 713-6160, 2021 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF2022 to 2023 OWM Certificate of Metrological Traceability PDF, Megan.Money [at] (Megan Money) (850) 921-1572Mike Kruse (850) 921-1585emilyann.powell-abreu [at] (EmilyAnn Powell-Abreu) (850) 921-1573, Shipping Address $104.00. Write by: Parent Agency The division ensures that equity prevails in the marketplace for both buyers and sellers by inspecting over 100,000 commercial weighing, measuring, metering and scanning devices. It is the first federal food safety law that includes specific rules for product farms. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (Chapter 80-13-1 to 80-13-9) Chapter 80-14-1 - Medical Cannabis Cultivation . annually in order to be in good standing with the Department. Contact: Caleb Kulich, Public Information Officer, (608) 621-1290, [Editor's note: DATCP is offering media the opportunity to meet with Weights and Measures . 2013 Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Tenn. Code Ann. MONTGOMERY, Ala.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Department of Agriculture and Industries Weights and Measures Initial Company Login. following: Alabama Interactive is the official eGovernment solutions provider for 9 Windsor Avenue Montgomery, AL 36107 The first priority of the division is to investigate consumer complaints. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 27, 2023. Total Fee through More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare. Quality Assurance DivisionEmail: leonard.g.obaldo [at] hawaii.govPhone: (808) 832-3131Fax: (808) 832-0683, stacie.ybarra [at] (Stacie Ybarra), Program ManagerEmail: stacie.ybarra@isda.idaho.govPhone: (208) 332-8692Fax: (208) 334-2378, Doug.rathbun [at] (Doug Rathbun), Bureau of Weights and Measures ChiefEmail: doug.rathbun [at] illinois.govPhone: (217) 785-8300Fax: (217) 524-7801, AGoff [at] (Alan Goff), DirectorEmail: AGoff [at] isdh.IN.govPhone: (317) 356-7078Fax: (317) 351-2877, Mike.Harrington [at] (Mike Harrington), Bureau ChiefEmail: mike.harrington [at] iowaagriculture.govPhone: (515) 321-0031Fax: (515) 725-1459, doug.musick [at] (subject: , body: ) (Doug Musick), DirectorEmail: doug.musick [at] ks.govPhone: (785) 564-6681General: kda.weights.measures [at], [at] (Jason W. Glass), Assistant DirectorEmail: [at] ky.govPhone: (502) 782-9215Fax: (502) 573-0303, pfloyd [at] (Paul Floyd),DirectorEmail: pfloyd [at] (225) 925-3780Fax: (225) 237-5925, celeste.poulin [at] (Celeste Poulin), DirectorEmail: celeste.poulin [at] maine.govPhone: (207) 287-3841Fax: (207)287-5576, kenneth.ramsburg [at] (Kenneth Ramsburg), DirectorEmail: kenneth.ramsburg [at] maryland.govPhone: (410) 841-5790Fax: (410) 841-2765, james.cassidy [at] (James Cassidy), DirectorEmail: james.cassidy [at] mass.govPhone: (617) 727-3480Fax: (617) 727-5705, vanburenc9 [at] (Craig A. VanBuren), DirectorEmail: vanburenc9 [at] michigan.govPhone: (517) 655-8202Fax: (517) 655-8303, greg.vanderplaats [at] (Greg VanderPlaats), DirectorEmail: greg.vanderplaats [at] (651) 539-1556Fax: (952) 435-4040, jennifer [at] (Jennifer B. Thompson), DirectorEmail: jennifer [at] (601) 359-1144Fax: (601) 359-1175, jimmy.williams [at] (Jimmy Williams), DirectorEmail: jimmy.williams [at] (573) 751-5641Fax: (573) 751-0281, bricks [at] (Brent Ricks), Program ManagerEmail: bricks [at] mt.govPhone: (406) 841-2321Fax: (406) 443-8163, mike.d.johnson [at] (Michael Johnson), AdministratorEmail: mike.d.johnson [at] nebraska.govPhone: (402) 416-5256Fax: (402) 471-2759, wstriejewske [at] (Bill Striejewske), Interim Division Administrator, Email: wstriejewske [at] agri.nv.govPhone: (775) 353-3792Fax: (775) 353-3798, New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food Division of Weights & Measures For your county or region by using our interactive map website Find the food safety Inspector your... For All commercial weighing or measuring device inquiries or questions, please contact @... Asset management program has been developed to provide our customers with a comprehensive system that eases the burden on employees... 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