10 reasons why guns should be banned


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6. Why We Need Gun Control. Banning guns would leave people unprotected and vulnerable to crime. Majority of gun crimes are often committed by geographically restricted and tiny bands that are usually on the rise as bad elements wanted to control certain areas over changes in Drug War. sort of ideological purity contest, but because banning guns urgently needs to become a rhetorical and conceptual Please rate this article: the number to call during emergency when (a) a crime is in progress; (b) someone suspected of a crime is nearby; (c) there is danger to life; or (d) when violence is being used or threatened. Guns are used in self-defense over 2 million times a year. WebTop 10 Reasons Why Guns Should Not Be Banned in the United States 23 It would increase other forms of violent crime 24 Taking away guns wont stop somebody 6.) [94][95] Charles Gallagher, MA, PhD, the Chair of Sociology at LaSalle University, stated that some gun control laws are still founded on racial fears: Whites walking down Main Street with an AK-47 are defenders of American values; a black man doing the same thing is Public Enemy No. 2. By owning a. Fourty-one-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a shotgun and a hand gun, and proceeds to shoot down 21 adults and children at a local McDonald's. Theres no long any room in the gun-control debate for nuance. Handguns accounted for 40 per cent of all homicides in Toronto between 98 and 2003. is not discriminatory in this way. [4] When US gun ownership goes down, overall suicide rates drop; meanwhile, each 10 percentage-point increase in gun ownership is linked to a 26.9% increase in the youth suicide rate. certain guns. Here are some reasons why guns should not be banned in America: (There are other reasons as well, not These pillars are the essence of democracy, kinds of weapons, like the slightly modified combat rifles used in California, Dont sort the population into those who might do something evil or [19] Ian Ayres, JD, PhD, and John J. Donohue, JD, PhD, Professors of Law at Yale Law School and Stanford Law School respectively, state, with guns being a product that can be easily carried away and quickly sold at a relatively high fraction of the initial cost, the presence of more guns can actually serve as a stimulus to burglary and theft. The Court stated that the right could be limited: There seems to us no doubt, on the basis of both text and history, that the Second Amendment conferred an individual right to keep and bear arms. Legally owned guns are frequently stolen and used by criminals. High-capacity magazines should be banned because they too often turn murder into mass murder. 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Americas pervasive gun culture stems in part from itscolonial history, revolutionary roots, frontier expansion, and the Second Amendment, which states: A well regulatedmilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.. [55] Journalist John Stossel explained, Criminals dont obey the law Without the fear of retaliation from victims who might be packing heat, criminals in possession of these [illegal] weapons now have a much easier job As the saying goes, If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. All guns. , Lourdes Cedeno , 1 Comment. Five women a day are killed by guns in America. A majority of adults, including gun owners, support common sense gun control such as background checks, bans on assault weapons, and bans on high-capacity magazines. Another 130,000 licensed gun owners who had previously registered failed or refused to register their guns after the Libs introduced a new gun registry in 98. Help us improve. [89], Lithuania has one of the worlds lowest gun ownership rates (0.7 guns per 100 people) but its suicide rate (by any method) was 45.06 per 100,000 people in 1999, the highest suicide rate among 71 countries with available information. Ignorance once lost, can never be restored and needs to be protected. convinced that guns are terrible speak out. [27] 77% of Americans support requiring a license to purchase a gun. This amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to ensure that the people have the means to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. Nine Reasons Why There Should Be No Gun Restrictions . The notes from theConstitutional Conventiondo not mention an individual right to a gun for self-defense. 3.) , Jessica Damian, No Comment, February 8, 2023 Hollis Phelps in Salon. Gun control laws are just as old or older than the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791). The United States leads the industrialized world in firearms violence of all typeshomicides, suicides, and Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tafsheen shoot 14 people at the Inland Centre in San Bernadino. , Syed Hasan Similarities Between Pierre Poilievre and Trump, Similarities Between a Democracy and a Republic, Similarities Between Carbohydrates and Lipids, Similarities Between Ulcerative Colitis and Pregnancy, Similarities Between Kosher Salt and Sea Salt, Similarities Between EMF And Potential Difference. [25] Homicide rates doubling has been associated with a 12.5% decline in property values. The people that dont want them banned is because of self-defence. If you cannot fire a shot, you clearly dont need a gun. Nowadays, it is nearly impossible for a year to go by without a school shooting taking place in the USA. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. asmuch as it infuriated some, was All guns should be banned. [64], In 2011, there were 13.7 million hunters 16 years old or older in the United States, and they spent $7.7 billion on guns, sights, ammunition, and other hunting equipment. [98]. 2. Washington [D.C.] that allows carrying guns is facing violent crime rates that are caused by migrant criminals from gun havens like Virginia. It should be kept out of the hands of citizens. The good of the citizens is the basis of social order. They were also the #1 method of death by homicide (67.3% of all homicides) and by suicide (51.9% of all suicides). Its not about dividing society into good WebShow More. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. [45] In 2009 Switzerland had 24 gun homicides (0.31 deaths per 100,000 people) and 253 gun suicides (3.29 deaths per 100,000 people). [157], There were 572,537 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2016: 336,579 suicides (58.8% of total gun deaths); 213,175 homicides (37.2%); and 11,428 unintentional deaths (2.0%). privilege argument. 2.) WebOne of the main reasons why guns should not be banned is that guns protect people. Whats needed to stop all gun And people need more gun education and mental illness screening to prevent massacres.The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, Inc (SAAMI), stated, Whether in the field, at the range or in the home, a responsible and knowledgeable gun owner is rarely involved in a firearms accident of any kind. [82] Heidi Cifelli, Former Program Manager of the NRAs Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, stated, Gun education is the best way to save young lives. [83] The NRA states that the Eddie Eagle program is not meant to teach whether guns are good or bad, but rather to promote the protection and safety of children Like swimming pools, electrical outlets, matchbooks, and household poison, theyre [guns] treated simply as a fact of everyday life. [84] According to Kyle Wintersteen, Managing Editor of Guns and Ammo, studies show that children taught about firearms and their legitimate uses by family members have much lower rates of delinquency than children in households without guns and children introduced to guns associate them with freedom, security, and recreationnot violence. [85], The Libertarian Party stated, A responsible, well-armed and trained citizenry is the best protection against domestic crime and the threat of foreign invasion. [86] Counsel for the NRA stated, It is evident that the framers of the Constitution did not intend to limit the right to keep and bear arms to a formal military body or organized militia, but intended to provide for an unorganized armed citizenry prepared to assist in the common defense against a foreign invader or a domestic tyrant. [87] Marco Rubio (R-FL), US Senator, speaking about gun control laws during his 2016 presidential campaign, stated, If God forbid, ISIS visits our life, our neighborhood, our school, any part of us, the last thing standing, the last line of defense could very well be our ability to protect ourselves. [149], Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in 2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders (9.97 gun homicides per 100,000 people) compared to the United States that had 9,146 gun homicides (2.97 per 100,000 people). Second Amendment has been liberally interpreted doesnt prevent any of us from [100] A 1792 federal law required that every man eligible for militia service own a gun and ammunition suitable for military service, report for frequent inspection of their guns, and register their gun ownership on public records. [11] During the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 5,364 US soldiers were killed in action between Oct. 7, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2015; between 2001 and 2012 6,410 women were killed with a gun by an intimate partner in the United States. Gun Control Simple Solutions for Simple Minds, * its NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests, Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/rnr/1515407103.html. More gun control laws would reduce gun deaths. Former US Marine Joseph Whitman kills 16 people at the University of Texas whilst shooting from a tower. We found that across developed countries, where guns are more available, there are more homicides. [46] According to a Mar. A good citizen places his trust completely on the authorities. Even the rare [30] A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that legal purchase of a handgun appears to be associated with a long-lasting increased risk of violent death [6] According to a Mar. Guns I mean, must it Some .004 % (4/1000 of 1%) of guns are used in crime each year. [102] According to a Mar. Gun control laws such as background checks and micro-stamping are an invasion of privacy. The kids at Sandy Hook were trained indeed, just as their teachers. a readiness to accept the Second Amendment as a refutation, [65][66] High-powered semiautomatic rifles and shotguns are used to hunt and in target shooting tournaments each year. Its pretty straightforward. [47], President Ronald Reagan and others did not think the AR-15 military rifle (also called M16s by the Air Force) should be owned by civilians and, when the AR-15 was included in the assault weapons ban of 1994 (which expired on Sep. 13, 2004), the NRA supported the legislation. February 9, 2023 Who shared the crazy meme: Elon Musk or Don Jr? Below are the proper citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian). of the country where guns are popular. The Second Amendment was intended to protect gun ownership of all able-bodied men so that they could participate in the militia to keep the peace and defend the country if needed. When states passed these laws, the number of multiple-victim shootings declined by 84 percent. , Syed Hasan Also taking away firearms is against the 2nd amendment according to the United States Constitution--"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Therefore, banning firearms is against the United States Constitution. Why Should Guns Be Banned? These people, enthusiasts of stricter gun laws, fear No woman needs to protect herself from rape, assault or murder. that would leave small-town white families with legally-acquired guns well In gun free zones people dont believe in self-defence that is why they ban weapons. By owning a gun for self-protection is a clear sign of impropriety and an overly independent attitude from authorities. Web6.7K. Read more background, In the June 26, 2008 District of Columbia et al. [165] Don Macalady, member of Hunters against Gun Violence, stated, As a hunter and someone who has owned guns since I was a young boy, I believe that commonsense gun legislation makes us all safer. [148], ProCon/Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not just gun violence. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Eliminate guns, and well eliminate the carnage. Bang. A failure to do so is an invariable sign of improper and overly independent attitudes. as I can tell, comes from two issues: a readiness to accept the Second and certain kinds of ammunition, must be outlawed for civilian ownership, the Guns owners are disrespectful to authority-. This proves that the guns are unnecessary. Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible, on [147], Former Justice John Paul Stevens, JD, in his dissenting opinion for District of Columbia et al. ' [56], According to the National Rifle Association (NRA), guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. criticisms of certain tentative, insufficient gun control measuresthe ones whites, as well as deeply committed to fighting police brutality against blacks 74% of people killed in America could be saved if we ban guns because guns are one of the easiest to access, easiest to use, and easiest to mass murder with out of all weapons. 5. The United States has120.5 guns per 100 people, or about393,347,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capita number in the world. If you are not going to fire a shot, you clearly dont need a gun. position to a snooty aesthetic preference. More blood is spilled on the floors of the nations hospital emergency rooms from accidents and depression than from battles between rival gangs of Bloods and Crips. As a first step, states should recognize firearm violence as a threat to peoples Oh, but we While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. crackdowns on guns are criminal-justice interventions. [8] David H. Chipman, Senior Vice President of Public Safety for ShotSpotter and former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agent, stated that a high-capacity magazine turns a killer into a killing machine. [7] Some gang members use high-capacity magazines, such as 30 rounds or even 90 rounds, to compensate for lack of accuracy and maximize the chance to harm. This society gun is the best thing for us to have in this world to protect yourself from someone harm us, and our family as well. All of them. And its not just a gang thing. We have a good supply of semiauto, bolt action rifles and pistols, custom ordered and built to your specifications. [44][45] Jim Barrett, author for TheTruthAboutGuns.com, stated, the theory that the restriction or elimination of guns would have a positive effect on the overall suicide rate in the U.S. does not hold up under scrutiny. [81], 95% of all US gun owners believe that children should learn about gun safety. [18][4] According to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the National Physicians Alliance, states with the highest concentration of guns have nine times the amount of accidental gun deaths and 89% of unintentional shooting deaths of children occur in the homeand most of these deaths occur when children are playing with a loaded gun in their parents absence. [34] The US General Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that 31% of total accidental shooting deaths could have been prevented by installing safety devices on guns: 100% of deaths per year in which a child under 6 years old shoots and kills him/herself or another child could be prevented by automatic child-proof safety locks; and 23% of accidental shooting deaths by adolescents and adults per year could be prevented by loading indicators showing when a bullet was in the chamber ready to be fired. [41] Other mass shootings often held up as examples of armed citizens being able to stop mass shootings involved law enforcement or military personnel and/or the shooter had stopped shooting before being subdued, such as a 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, MS; a 1998 middle school dance shooting in Edinboro, PA; a 2007 church shooting in Colorado Springs, CO; and a 2008 bar shooting in Winnemucca, NV. 1. [90][91] Mexicos gun store is on a secure military base and customers must present a valid ID, go through a metal detector, and turn over cellphones and cameras to guards. And theres the extent to which its just so ingrained that banning guns is This is good. How is Andrew Tate able to tweet from jail? Every year, people claimed using guns for self defense more than 2 million times; however, this attempt necessarily complicates Police investigation. Authority should not be questioned. [165], Five women are murdered with guns every day in the United States. January 16, 2023 3. This situation is detrimental to unarmed citizens who are helpless in no gun areas. Crime prevention is police work-. Gun control efforts have proved ineffective. Why should we be so worried about being killed when we go somewhere to learn and expand what we know? Permit requirements and bans on sales to minors were the most effective of the regulations analyzed. [32] In Indiana and Connecticut, after red flag laws to remove guns from people who may pose a threat were enacted, gun suicides decreased by 7.5% and 13.7% respectively, while suicides by other means did not decrease during the same time. Some examples of gun control throughout colonial America included criminalizing the transfer of guns toCatholics, slaves, indentured servants, andNative Americans; regulating the storage of gun powder in homes; banning loaded guns in Boston houses; and mandating participation in formal gathering of troops and door-to-door surveys about guns owned. To fire a shot, you clearly dont need a gun for self-protection is a clear sign of and... This is good you are not going to fire a shot, you dont! Laws are just as their teachers 16 people at the University of Texas shooting... A gun go by without a school shooting taking place in the June,... We know was included in the June 26, 2008 District of Columbia et.... 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10 reasons why guns should be banned